Sunday, July 22, 2012

So Sweet!

Yesterday, Brynna got a Dora tea set from Grandma. She is so in love with tea parties. Sarah and Eric and Fred attended a tea party this morning. Eric invited a pet rock. Brynna fed them 'so much' brownies. Rocky kept making messes. Brynna was very busy! Between serving and running to get napkins, she barely had time for her own tea! Fred was not the only bird in attendance. Brynna invited a few 'maginary birds, so Fred wouldn't be alone.

How awesome is it that Sarah and Eric took time out of what they were doing to play tea party with Brynna? And amused themselves doing it? Without making Brynna lose her mind?

I love these people!


  1. This is too cute. Your kiddos are the best. I love them so. Brynna will look back on this one day and say...remember when you had a tea party with me??? or Ms. Elaine, "Dont ask me silly questions?" I will never forget, it was so fitting.
