Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the love of CAKE!

I want to take this moment to thank my baby brother. Thank you for the challenges. The armadillo cake that started it all:
Bryan's Bleedin' Armadillo groomscake
Followed by the not quite successful snake cake. It wasn't pretty but it was a challenge. You added something really special to my life. And I thank you.


  1. I would have never guessed that cake is what started your obsession with baking. lol. Whatever it takes I guess. You are amazing at everything that you do.

  2. Thank you, Tara. The challenge is what hooked me, but I have always baked. Since birth, at least.

  3. Your welcome sister. I've been slacking in the cake ideas/challenges area. I'll do better in the future...promise! Cookie Monster!
